Mission driven independent advice


Our mission is to help every business and every founder rise to their true capability.

At Sturner Advisory, we value trust, integrity and honesty above all else.

Our specific areas of expertise include:

Business plan drafting and advisory

As advisors to major capital raisings and IPOs, we know what draws investors to a business model, and also what should be avoided. Senior management experience in high growth start-ups gives us the background and credibility in developing cohesive, detailed strategic business plans for early stage companies.

Investment advisory

We have advised on and executed acquisitions across a range of sectors. Our experience spans sourcing of acquisition opportunities and introductions to founders / shareholders, managing transaction discussions and negotiations, conducting detailed due diligence, drafting sale and share purchase agreements and working with all stakeholders to ensure a smooth execution.

Capital raisings and IPO execution

Our team has capital raising experience spanning $1m raisings for pre-revenue start-ups, to $100m public market equity raisings, to $500m US senior debt. We are experts in understanding the approach, managing shareholder expectations and successful completion.

Merger and acquisition advisory

We have advised on and executed acquisitions across a range of sectors. Our experience spans sourcing of acquisition opportunities and introductions to founders / shareholders, managing transaction discussions and negotiations, conducting detailed due diligence, drafting sale and share purchase agreements and working with all stakeholders to ensure a smooth execution.

Financial modeling

Years of experience across investment banking corporate advisory has resulted in an expert capability to breakdown financial metrics for your business and generate detailed yet clear long term projections—key for any business, large or small, to have a crystal clear understanding of their long term growth potential.

Valuation advisory

Businesses in different industry verticals and stages in their lifecycle have highly different valuation profiles. With a strong background in finance fundamentals, we can help your business position itself for a sale, acquisition or capital raising with the most accurate valuation possible.


“It is a grand thing to rise in the world. The ambition to do so is the very salt of the Earth, it is the parent of all enterprise, and the cause of all improvement.”

Anthony trollope
